Art Deco Wallpaper: Uncover the History and How To Use Today Ramble & Roam

Art Deco Wallpaper: Uncover the History and How To Use Today

 Art Deco wallpaper to suit all tastes

Make your living space stand out and exude sophisticated style with vintage Art Deco wallpapers. From fans, or heron encircled patterns to tropical birds, butterflies and snakes on geometric trellises, these exquisitely crafted designs will take your décor to the next level. Whether you’re looking for an elegant background or something more daring, you’ll find a wallpaper design to fit any taste in our selection of modern Art & the Deco wallpaper styles. Let us help you bring beauty and character into your home with timeless Art Deco wallpaper!

Light-hearted, eclectic mixture of style elements

Floral organic or concrete motif is presented abstractly in two dimensions and abstractly in three different formats. Slim geometric shapes and sharp breaks are accentuated with elegant lines. The absence of shadows creates a striking modern look. Industrial processes open up space for new interesting workable material like chrome or plastics.

Glamorous Design Era

Art Deco was born out of French architecture. This apocryphal culture of design covers the period 1918 – 1940, with the peak in mid-1920. Jay Gatsby is one of America's literary characters who has become the enduring symbol of this intoxication:

Iconic Gatsby Lifestyle Symbolises Art Deco Design

The Great Gatsby book and movie productions are the iconic style of living is a symbol of the grandeur and opulence of Art Deco design. During the roaring twenties, Gatsby's extravagant parties at his luxurious Long Island estate set the standard for an affluent lifestyle in that era. His lavish furnishings, chandeliers, and sculptures all serve to illustrate art-deco's love for luxury and excess.

Moreover, Gatsby's attire perfectly embodies this sort of visual statement – think sleek tuxedos paired with sharp finesse, embodying the qualities of strength and prestige associated with Art Deco styles.

In addition to its aesthetic pleasures, Art Deco also brought an exciting new way of life to society as a whole. Its emphasis on technology, innovation, individualism and modernism was no less evident in architecture than it was in fashion. By incorporating such features into their everyday lives – both literally and figuratively – people could fully experience a sense of dynamism in their daily routines. Thus it can be seen why Gatsby's lifestyle speaks volumes about art deco design: from his garbs to his home décor to his mannerisms; he serves as an embodiment of classic elegance that will remain timelessly fashionable even today.

But Is Gatsby Art Nouveau or Art Deco?

Art Nouveau’s influence can be seen in the elegant curves and exaggerated lines featured throughout the book — most notably in luxurious items like Daisy Buchanan's fur stole, or Jay Gatsby's impossibly beautiful shirts. Such details create a captivating atmosphere that transports readers into another time where true decadence was experienced daily. However, it is not only clothes; furniture and home accessories also embody this movement as we get glimpses of grand chairs with curvaceous shapes and intricately-patterned fabrics during the novel's moments at Gatsby’s mansion.

On the other hand, art deco pieces are represented through subtle hints of geometric patterns and sleek shapes that add a level of sophistication to the whole narrative—like Jordan Baker’s flapper dress or Tom Buchanan’s car — accentuating these characters' high-end lifestyles. As for architecture, Gatsby’s mansion stands out for its boldness and glamour which eloquently reflects this style; from its symmetrical door frames to its walls to its use of metallic features. It is this clash between Art Nouveau & Art Deco elements that makes The Great Gatsby so uniquely special!

Other inspo like Gatsby for Art deco wallpaper

If you are a fan and looking for more sources of inspiration for Art Deco wallpaper besides the cinematic version of The Great Gatsby, there is no shortage of examples. From classic novels like Brave New World and cult films like This Property Is Condemned, to iconic landmarks such as the Chrysler Building and architecturally-influenced homes owned by Jazz Age elite — it is easy to draw on these for your own creative projects.

World-renowned product design companies have also made their mark on the Art Deco era. For instance, both Jules Leleu and Emile-Jacques Ruhlmann are credited with creating earlier forms of this aesthetic style in French furniture product design.

Art Deco Architecture

As many famous architects and artists attested to during this period, nothing speaks luxury more than the well-prepared surrounding. Eugène Grasset, Hector Guimard, Francis Jourdain, or Tamara de Lempicka to see more.

Achieve A Timeless, Sophisticated Look With Art Deco Style

Incorporating Art Deco into the living room can be a great way to add sophistication and luxury to any home. Wallpaper is one of the most popular ways to embrace this style, offering up a wide range selection of patterns and motifs that can truly bring your interior to life.

When choosing wallpaper for an art deco themed living room, opt for designs featuring linear shapes, interlocking circles and geometric forms. Natural materials such as wood or leather may be included in more subtle print designs, while bolder prints featuring bright and contrasting colours will help make even more of an impact.

Finally, alongside the art deco wallpaper, you can of course still incorporate Art Deco furnishings such as lighting fixtures and rugs – either tonally matching the wallpaper or contrasting with them depending on your desired look. With careful planning you can create a timeless interior indeed; one that speaks volumes about character but remains modernly chic at its core.

What is the history of art deco wallpaper?

Wallpaper began gaining popularity in 1920's. Already popular by William Morris and his Arts and Craft movement, wallpapers offered affordable mass produced alternatives to expensive silk or woven wallpapers. Art Deco wallpaper is timeless. This classic design style emerged from the roaring '20s, and continues to be used to make statement-making interiors up until today.

Whether its vivid colors, abstract patterns or metallic foils — there's something for everyone in Art Deco wallpaper collections. Let yourself be inspired by motifs such as fans or octagons that are so eye-catching even from afar; feel free to mix them with other decorative elements like velvet or ceramics for heightened effect.

Whether you choose neutral colors like taupe, brown or grey for a more subtle take, or take the opposite route with vibrant shades such as yellow & blue – no matter what color you ultimately pick, it should always capture your unique style and display your creativity!

What is Art Deco?

Art Deco is a style of design which emerged in Paris in the 1920s and gained momentum until around 1930. Characterized by linear shapes, geometric forms and distinct shapes, Art Deco was a style which shook up the world of interiors and architecture forever.

The popularity of Art Deco during this time was largely due to its statement-making aesthetic – one which could be found primarily in furniture and interior design, as well as more experimental takes on architecture such as skyscrapers – most famously the Chrysler building located in New York City.

This period saw the first use of machined materials such as chrome and Bakelite, while detailed craftsmanship such as that seen in marquetry or bronze works also made an appearance.

As a result of this newfound ideal combination between industrial production and traditional artistic expression, rooms with an art deco influence were particularly well appointed with intricate details that celebrated luxury but retained flavor from all corners of society too.

Art deco’s popularity waned following World War II however it didn’t disappear completely; throughout subsequent decades we’ve seen modern takes on the style appearing increasingly often in contemporary architecture.

Its ability to exude both elegance and glamour has kept it firmly rooted at the forefront of interior design for decades – making it just as relevant today as it ever was upon its inception over ninety years ago!


How to use Art Deco today

In order to capture this aesthetic, interiors from this era would feature linear shapes, geometric forms & distinct detailing. When designing an Art Deco interior today, you can truly create something timeless by adding elements such as stylish lighting fixtures or rugs that remain true to the style.

The perfect way to finish off any room while maintaining modernity is by including wallpapers that perfectly embody the richness of Art Deco without overwhelming your space; be sure to seek out designs with features such as mirror details or metallic ink shades for added depth.